MCM (Motor City Marijuana)
John Sinclair was at the fountainhead of the legalization movement in the state of Michigan, with his sonically charged chapter of LEMAR (Legalize Marijuana) and his passion for rock & roll, dope, and fucking in the streets. The name MCM is a tribute to the many millions of Motor City Marijuana growers, users, and activists. MCM also gives credit where credit is due with an Indica dominant strain, boasting industrial strength and a creative high.
John Sinclair met with the Ceres seeds team in Amsterdam to help select new varieties of cannabis for enthusiasts around the world. After two years of hard work hunting down the most stable and robust genetic parenting, three initial strains were born: White Panther, Viper and Trans-Love Energies. In 2017, Ceres Seeds developed two new varieties called Zenta and MCM (Motor City Marijuana) that continue the trajectory of John Sinclair Seeds: high quality stable genetics, full flavour, and that unmistakable ‘Kick’.