Easy Rider is a crossbreed of Ruderalis and Skunk. This hybrid is a beauty. It is an auto-flowering variety, which means that it has the unique feature of blooming according to the age of the plant rather than the light cycle. Easy Rider begins flowering once the plant grows its seventh set of side branches, regardless of when or where it was planted. This auto-flowering feature of the Easy Rider makes this plant particularly well-suited for challenging growing conditions.
Easy Rider is the best choice for growing under less-than-optimal circumstances Originating from the Siberian tundra, this little lady is tough and can handle harsh conditions better than any other. Therefore, she requires less attention and is less demanding than Sativa or Indica plants. Ruderalis’ growing capacities are extraordinary. This little dwarf grows practically anywhere and can take care of itself.
Ruderalis, however, does not have much flavor and does not give a fantastic high. That is why we crossbred it with our favorite Skunk. The result is the rugged Easy Rider, providing an exquisite taste and scent, a conversation-stopping effect, and excellent growing capabilities, the Easy Rider is a quickly grown variety with outstanding credentials. It has a pungent smell, a slightly bitter-sweet Indica scent, and a mouthwatering flavor. The high is intense but with a relaxed Indica body stone, giving a tingling and a
lazy-happy buzz. Perfect to Netflix and Chill with.
This little plant usually grows to a 90-120 cm height.